Save money when you pay per car
The Pay Per Car ticket is valid for the first FIVE people travelling in your vehicle, one ticket per vehicle, and costs £99.99.
See the table below to see if this is the best ticket for you!
Each additional adult in the same vehicle, can be added for a heavily discounted £26.99pp (when purchased as part of the same booking) with no upper limit to the number of people in your one vehicle (please be sure to follow all highway code regulations).
PLEASE NOTE: This is a special ticket price offer only - guests still need to travel in their own vehicle.
See below for the price comparison with the single ticket price, to see which ticket option is right for you.
Currently available to buy online only for £99.99.
BooK noWAdditional Passengers
Additional child (£18.99 each) or adult (£26.99 each) passenger tickets can be purchased at the gate on arrival.
Who's visiting? | Total price of online single tickets | Car Ticket price | Which ticket type is best? |
Two adults | £53.98 | £99.99 | Single tickets online |
Two adults and one child over 3yrs |
£72.97 |
£99.99 | Single tickets online |
Two adults, one child, one toddler |
£72.97 |
£99.99 | Single tickets online |
Two adults, two children over 3yrs | £91.96 | £99.99 | Single tickets online |
Two adults and three children over 3yrs | £110.95 |
£99.99 |
Pay Per Car ticket online only |
Three adults | £80.97 | £99.99 | Single tickets online |
Three adults and one child | £99.96 | £99.99 | Pay Per Car ticket online only |
Four adults | £107.96 | £99.99 | Pay Per Car ticket online only |
Five adults | £134.95 |
£99.99 |
Pay Per Car ticket online only |
Definition and Terms
One vehicle can mean a car of any size: up to 14 seats. This could be a van, people carrier, minibus or even a campervan.
Children aged from 3 to 15 years are considered a child and counted in the first FIVE people. Under three's are free of charge and won't be counted in the total FIVE people.
Tickets for additional adults or children (over the FIVE included in the Pay Per Car ticket and travelling in the same vehicle) should be purchased with the same booking as the Pay Per Car ticket.
If you arrive at the park with your FIVE people travelling in more than one vehicle, you will not be eligible for this offer.
As this is a discounted ticket, it is therefore not eligible to credit against any Annual Pass purchases.
BooK noWDiscount has already been applied to the product and no promo code is required.