Children aged 8 - 17 years old can join the education rangers on one of these monthly, weekend sessions of behind-the-scenes fun! Youngsters can find out what it's like to be an animal keeper!
A great day of fun, educational animal themed activities for 8 to 12 year olds. Participants are dropped off at 9am and collected at 3pm, no parents/guardians needed to stay! £42.50 per child.
A specialist day of learning aimed at students aged 13-17 years looking into a career with animals. This vocationaly one day course runs 9am to 3pm per day. £62.50 per child.
A day on safari that includes a 60 minuteeducational workshop designed for children with special educational needs and disabilities. Choose a session from like enrichment making, sensory artefact handing, feeding, mucking out and research.