Sugar Cane Feast for World Elephant Day

  • Animals

Elephants Indulge in a Sugar Cane Feast!

Dedicated keepers organised a sugar cane feast for female Asian elephants Tarli, Chandrika and Damini to celebrate World Elephant Day on the 12th of August.

Elephant eating sugar cane enrichment Aug 2024

Keepers loaded an intricate feeding tool with delicious sugar cane, which encourages the elephants to use their dexterous trunks to find food - just like they do in the wild! The trio eagerly dove into their latest enrichment activity, munching on the tasty sugar cane could even be heard  trumpeting with excitement!

“The sounds of Chandrika, Damini and Tarli enjoying their sugar cane was music to our ears! They were telling us loud and clear how much they loved eating this special sweet treat to celebrate World Elephant Day.” Michael Deans, Deputy Leader, Elephants

World Elephant Day aims to raise awareness about the critical role elephants play in ecosystems, the threats they face, and the need for stronger conservation policies and initiatives.

This year keepers at Woburn Safari Park are supporting Mahouts Elephant foundation, a charity which helps to raise awareness about the welfare of captive working Asian Elephants

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